Teie usaldusväärne koostööpartner

Hoolega Metsast

Rahvusvahelise B2B tarnijana ekspordime meie tooteid juba enam kui 30 riiki.
Oleme pühendunud kvaliteetsete toodete ja teenuste pakkumisele,  vastavalt turu nõudmistele.
Toetame teie ettevõtet tõhusate lahendustega, mis on loodud ajale vastu pidama.
Loe meist
As the sole representative of Arxada - EIMEA Wood Protection Business Unit in Estonia, Lotus Timber offers exclusive top-tier products that safeguard wood against fungal decay and insects.

Decking Catalogue

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Learn more about Lotus Timber Products
Great support
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Our Partners

We offer timber preservation and treatments using our four Autoclaves, in accordance with NTR, EN, BS, CTB P+, COMO, along with other recognized Industry Standards. Lotus Timber follows the timber-protecting standards NTR A and NTR AB of the Nordic Wood Preservation Council (NTR).
Frankavan de Griend

“With Aico, we have visualized our processes. For example, a journal entry that previously took 3h to complete going back and forth between two teams now takes 20 min.“

Global Process Owner Financial Services at ASML
Colin Hand

“Aico replaced for us Excel templates, external workflow system and robotics. Instead of three separate tools, now we have a one-stop shop. We have a single tool that does everything.”

Regional Accounting Manager Latin America at AkzoNobel
Sharon Ogink

“We wanted to improve the quality and we wanted to have a more harmonized and standardized process and we did it. Now with one Aico task alone we automate ~2100 recurring provisions for profit tax annually.”

Global Transactional Finance Manager at JDE
Arja Pennala

“Aico brings us savings in numerous ways. Certain work phases, such as printing paper journals, mandatory manual approval by an auditor, as well as filing and archiving have disappeared altogether”

Financial Manager at MTV Oy
Mündriku Korterelamu
Jahu 6

Lotus Timberi toodetest on projektis kasutatud Driconi tulekaitsega immutatud ning Teknos/Drywood TM 1817 ja TM1835 tooniga värvitud voodrilauad

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Helsingi Keskraamatukogu
Töölönlahdenkatu 4

Lotus Timberi toodetest on projektis kasutatud Driconi tulekaitsega immutatud ning Teknos/Drywood TM10558/18 tooniga värvitud voodrilauad.

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Viimsi State Gümnaasium
Tammepöllu tee 2

Lotus Timberi toodetest on projektis kasutatud Driconi tulekaitsega immutatud ning Teknos/Drywood TM 10558/17 tooniga värvitud voodrilauad.

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Kivimäe Korterelamu
Kivimäe 32

Lotus Timberi toodetest on projektis kasutatud Driconi tulekaitsega immutatud voodrilauad.

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Jahu Korterelamu
Jahu 1A

Lotus Timberi toodetest on projektis kasutatud Driconi tulekaitsega immutatud ning Teknos/Drywood TM 1804 tooniga värvitud voodrilauad

Loe lisa
Veerenni Ärihoone
Construction Company:
Veerenni 24

Lotus Timberi toodetest on projektis kasutatud Driconi tulekaitsega immutatud ning Teknos/Drywood D516 tooniga värvitud voodrilauad

Learn More

Oleme uhked meie ulatusliku tooteportfelli üle, mis on loodud rahuldama meie klientide mitmekesiseid vajadusi ehitustööstuses. Pakume laia valikut profiile ja erinevaid tooteid, mis vastavad turu nõuetele.

Tooraine ostame Põhjamaadest ja Eestist - kuna Põhjamaade puit on tuntud oma vastupidavuse ja jätkusuutlikkuse poolest, on see ideaalne valik kestavetele ehitusmaterjalidele.

Keskendudes jätkusuutlikele tavadele, panustame aktiivselt vastutustundliku ehituskultuuri arendamisse.
Uuendame ja täiustame jätkuvalt meie ettevõtte protsesse, et toetada keskkonnasõbralikumat ja jätkusuutlikumat lähenemist ehitusematerjalidele.

Allpool kuvatav tooteportfell pakub üldist ülevaadet meie toodetest.
Toodame teie ettevõtte vajadustele kohandatud tooteid. ‍

Vaata lähemalt meie tootevalikut


Lotus Timberi terrassilauad on valmistatud kvaliteetsest männist, kuusest ning lehisest. Lisaks põhiprofiilidele toodame eritellimusel ka muid profiile.


Toodame laias valikus voodrilaudu, mida saab tellida nii puidukaitsevahenditega töödelduna, värvituna, kui ka tulekaitsevahendiga immutatul kujul.


Lotus Timber toodab kvaliteetseid puitpõrandaid eritellimusel, kvaliteetsest Põhjamaa puidust.
high-quality wooden floors
made from durable and environmentally sustainable materials.


Pakume süvaimmutatud puitmaste. Immutatud vastavalt NTR A klassile puidukaitsevahendig

Nelikantne Höövelpuit

Nelikant höövelpuit on kõigist neljast küljest hööveldatud saematerjal, mis on sobilik pea kõigiks igapäevasteks ehitustöödeks.

Tugevsorteeritud Konstruktsioonpuit

Tugevussorteeritud puitu kasutatakse eelkõige konstruktsioonimaterjalina.

Aico's Customers & Partners

Aico supports global enterprises around the world to streamline record to report process. Our partner networks allows us to implement Aico in your organization with confidence and at speed.

Tööstuse Standardid

Pakume puidu töötlemist oma nelja autoklaavi abil vastavalt NTR, EN, BS, CTB P+, COMO ja teistele tunnustatud tööstusstandarditele.
Lotus Timber järgib Põhjamaade Puidu Säilitamise Nõukogu (NTR) puitkaitsestandardeid NTR A ja NTR AB.
Meil on hea meel teid näha!
Meil on hea meel saada rohkem teada teie puidu hulgimüügi- või ehitusettevõtte kohta ja kohtuda teiega.
BAU 2025
München, Saksamaa
13-17.01.2025   /  Booth 109 Hall B5
Wood from Finland
Helsingi, Soome
Tehase külastus
Tulevased spetsialistid koolipingil, meie koostööpartnerid või organisatsioonid, kes on huvitatud puidutöötlemise võludega tutvuma lähemalt, olete teretulnud meile külla.

Our Team

The team of professionals at Lotus Timber have extensive experience in the further processing and treatment of timber.

Urmo Ilves


Aare Pilv

Export Sales Manager
+372 5271674

Margit Piigli

Sales & Marketing Manager
+372 53033520

Contact Us

Vana-Narva mnt. 31    
Maardu 74114, Estonia

+372 5248729
Meet The Team

Future-proof Your
Record to Report Accounting

Code Masters is a mega, multi-purpose Webflow template, created for tech businesses to take their online presence to the next level.

Included in Code Masters Template

Code Masters Webflow Template comes with everything you need to to get your website off the ground.

25+ pages

Get started with 25+ ready plug-n-play pages. Adjust images, change copy - done!

60+ sections

Drag and drop ready sections and create the page you need.

20+ styles

Pre-defined styles so you can create new sections super-fast!

Figma file included

To give you 100% control over the design, together with Webflow project, you also get the Figma file. After the purchase, simply send us an email to templates@wavesdesign.io and we will be happy to forward you the Figma file.

Code Masters Template comes with even more power

Overview of all the features included in Code Masters Tech Business Webflow Template.

Premium, custom, simply great

Yes, we know... it's easy to say it, but that's the fact. We did put a lot of thought into the template. Code Masters was designed by an award-winning designer. Layouts you will find in our template are custom made to fit the industry after carefully made research.

Optimised for speed

We used our best practices to make sure your new website loads fast. All of the images are compressed to have as little size as possible. Whenever possible we used vector formats - the format made for the web.


Code Masters is optimized to offer a frictionless experience on every screen. No matter how you combine our sections, they will look good on desktop, tablet, and phone.

Reusable animations

Both complex and simple animations are an inseparable element of modern website. We created our animations in a way that can be easily reused, even by Webflow beginners.


Our template is modular, meaning you can combine different sections as well as single elements, like buttons, images, etc. with each other without losing on consistency of the design. Long story short, different elements will always look good together.

100% customisable

On top of being modular, Code Masters was created using the best Webflow techniques, like: global Color Swatches, reusable classes, symbols and more.


Code Masters includes a blog and careers collection that is made on the powerful Webflow CMS. This will let you add new content extremely easily.


Code Masters Business Template comes with eCommerce set up, so you can start selling your works straight away.

Figma included

To give you 100% control over the design, together with Webflow project, you also get the Figma file.

What do we mean by
Future-proof R2R Solution?

It's easy to configure to match your
ever-changing R2R processes.

It's easy to configure to match your ever-changing R2R processes.

It provides one source of truth
for master data.

It's easy to use and allows simple
of new members

It enables you to improve your
process efficiency

A future-proof solution that
grows with your business

Enterprises with a global footprint

Learn about latest Aico implementations and savings achieved thanks to streamlined R2R process.